Running it
If you wnat to follow along, I uploaded all my work to my Github page, including a program called server.rb that more or less simulates the server. It's written in Ruby, obviously, and simulates all the responses. The real client can't actually read the flag from it, though, and I can't figure out why (and spent way too much time last night re-reversing the client binary before realizing it doesn't matter).Anyway, when you run the client, it asks for an ip address:
$ ./client need IPThe competition gives you a target, so that's easy (note that most of this is based on my own server.rb, not the real one, which I re-created from packet captures:
$ ./client Socket created Enter message : Hello nope...HelloIf you look at a packet capture of this, you'll see that a connection is made but nothing is sent or received. Local checks are best checks!
All right.. time for some reversing! I open up the client program in IDA, and go straight to the Strings tab (Shift-F12). I immediately see "Enter message :" so I double click it and end up here:
.rodata:080490F5 ; char aEnterMessage[] .rodata:080490F5 aEnterMessage db 'Enter message : ',0 ; DATA XREF: main+178o .rodata:08049106 aHackTheWorld db 'hack the world',0Ah,0 ; DATA XREF: main+1A7o .rodata:08049116 ; char aNope_[] .rodata:08049116 aNope___S db 'nope...%s',0Ah,0 ; DATA XREF: main+1CAoCould it really be that easy?
The answer, for a change, is yes:
$ ./client Socket created Enter message : hack the world << connection ID: nuc EW1A IQr^2& *** Welcome to the ACME data retrieval service *** what version is your client? << hello...who is this? << << enter user password << hello grumpy, what would you like to do? << << grumpy mrvito gynophage selir jymbolia sirgoon duchess deadwood hello grumpy, what would you like to do? << the key is not accessible from this account. your administrator has been notified. << hello grumpy, what would you like to do?Then it just sits there.
I logged the traffic with Wireshark and it looks like this (blue = incoming, red = outgoing, or you can just download my pcap):
connection ID: Je@/b9~A>Xa'R- *** Welcome to the ACME data retrieval service *** what version is your client? version 3.11.54 hello...who is this?grumpy enter user password H0L31 hello grumpy, what would you like to do? list users grumpy mrvito gynophage selir jymbolia sirgoon duchess deadwood hello grumpy, what would you like to do? print key the key is not accessible from this account. your administrator has been notified. hello grumpy, what would you like to do?
Connection IDs and passwords
I surmised, based on this, that the connection id was probably random (it looks random) and that the password is probably hashed (poorly) and not replay-able (that'd be too easy). Therefore, the password is probably based on the connection id.To verify the first part, I ran a capture a second time:
connection ID: #2^1}P>JAqbsaj [...] hello...who is this? grumpy enter user password V/%S:Yup, it's different!
I did some quick digging in IDA and found a function - sub_8048EAB - that was called with "grumpy" and "1" as parameters, as well as a buffer that would be sent to the server. It looked like it did some arithmetic on "grumpy" - which is presumably a password, and it touched a global variable - byte_804BC70 - that, when I investigated, turned out to be the connection id. The function was called from a second place, too, but we'll get to that later!
So now we've found a function that looks at the password and the connection id. That sounds like the hashing function to me (and note that I'm using the word "hashing" in its literal sense, it's obviously not a secure hash)! I could have used a debugger to verify that it was actually returning a hashed password, but the clock was ticking and I had to make some assumptions in order to keep moving - if the the assumptions turned out to be wrong, I wouldn't have finished the level, but I wouldn't have finished it either if I verified everything.
I wasn't entirely sure what had to be done from here, but it seemed logical to me that reverse engineering the password-hashing function was something I'd eventually have to do. So I got to work, figuring it couldn't hurt!
Reversing the hashing function
There are lots of ways to reverse engineer a function. Frequently, I take a higher level view of what libc/win32 functions it calls, but sub_8048EAB doesn't call any functions. Sometimes I'll try to understand the code, mentally, but I'm not super great at that. So I used a variation of this tried-and-true approach I often use for crypto code:- Reverse each line of assembly to exactly one line of C
- Test it against the real version, preferably instrumented so I can automatically ensure that it's working properly
- While the output of my code is different from the output of their code, use a debugger (on the binary) and printf statements (on your implementation) to figure out where the problem is - this usually takes the most of my time, because there are usually several mistakes
- With the testing code still in place, simplify the C function as much as you can
Version 1
As I said, the first thing I do is translate the code directly, line by line, to assembly. I had to be a little creative with loops and pointers because I can't just use goto and cast everything to an integer like I would in C, but this is what it looked like. Note that I've fixed all the bugs that were in the original version - there were a bunch, but it didn't occur to me to keep the buggy code - I did, however, leave in the printf-style statements I used for debugging!# mode = 1 for passwords, 7 for keys def hash_password(password, connection_id, mode) # mov eax, [ebp+password] eax = password # mov [ebp+var_2C], eax var_2c = eax # mov eax, [ebp+buffer] eax = "" # mov [ebp+var_30], eax var_30 = "" # xor eax, eax eax = 0 # mov ecx, ds:g_connection_id_plus_7 ; 0x0000007d, but changes ecx = connection_id[7] #puts('%x' % ecx.ord) # mov edx, 55555556h edx = 0x55555556 # mov eax, ecx eax = ecx # imul edx #puts("imul") #puts("%x" % eax.ord) #puts("%x" % edx) edx = ((eax.ord * edx) >> 32) #puts("%x" % edx) # mov eax, ecx eax = ecx # sar eax, 1Fh #puts("sar") #puts("%x" % eax.ord) eax = eax.ord >> 0x1F #puts("%x" % eax) # mov ebx, edx ebx = edx # sub ebx, eax ebx -= eax #puts("sub") #puts("%x" % ebx) # mov eax, ebx eax = ebx # mov [ebp+var_18], eax var_18 = eax # mov edx, [ebp+var_18] edx = var_18 # mov eax, edx eax = edx # add eax, eax eax = eax * 2 # add eax, edx eax = eax + edx #puts("") #puts("%x" % eax) # mov edx, ecx edx = ecx # sub edx, eax #puts() #puts("%x" % ecx.ord) #puts("%x" % edx.ord) edx = edx.ord - eax #puts("%x" % edx) # mov eax, edx eax = edx # mov [ebp+var_18], eax var_18 = eax #puts() #puts("%x" % var_18) # mov eax, dword_804B04C eax = mode # add [ebp+var_18], eax var_18 += eax #puts("%x" % eax) # mov edx, offset g_connection_id ; <-- edx = connection_id # mov eax, [ebp+var_18] eax = var_18 # add eax, edx # mov dword ptr [esp+8], 5 ; n # mov [esp+4], eax ; src # lea eax, [ebp+dest] # mov [esp], eax ; dest # call _strncpy dest = connection_id[var_18, 5] #puts(dest) # mov [ebp+var_1C], 0 var_1c = 0 # jmp short loc_8048F4A # loc_8048F2A: ; CODE XREF: do_password+A3j 0.upto(4) do |var_1c| # mov eax, [ebp+var_1C] eax = var_1c # add eax, [ebp+var_30] # XXX # lea edx, [ebp+dest] edx = dest # add edx, [ebp+var_1C] # movzx ecx, byte ptr [edx] ecx = edx[var_1c] # mov edx, [ebp+var_1C] edx = var_1c # add edx, [ebp+var_2C] # movzx edx, byte ptr [edx] edx = var_2c[var_1c] # xor edx, ecx edx = edx.ord ^ ecx.ord # mov [eax], dl edx &= 0x0FF var_30[var_1c] = (edx & 0x0FF).chr # add [ebp+var_1C], 1 # # loc_8048F4A: ; CODE XREF: do_password+7Dj # cmp [ebp+var_1C], 4 # jle short loc_8048F2A end #puts() return var_30 endAfter I got it working and returning the same value as the real implementation, I had a problem! The value I returned - even though it matched the real program - wasn't quite right! It had a few binary characters in it, whereas the value sent across the network never did. I looked around and found the function - sub_8048F67 - that actually sends the password to the server. It turns out, that function replaces all the low- and high-ASCII characters with proper ones (the added lines are in bold):
# mode = 1 for passwords, 7 for keys def hash_password(password, connection_id, mode) # mov eax, [ebp+password] eax = password # mov [ebp+var_2C], eax var_2c = eax # mov eax, [ebp+buffer] eax = "" # mov [ebp+var_30], eax var_30 = "" # xor eax, eax eax = 0 # mov ecx, ds:g_connection_id_plus_7 ; 0x0000007d, but changes ecx = connection_id[7] #puts('%x' % ecx.ord) # mov edx, 55555556h edx = 0x55555556 # mov eax, ecx eax = ecx # imul edx #puts("imul") #puts("%x" % eax.ord) #puts("%x" % edx) edx = ((eax.ord * edx) >> 32) #puts("%x" % edx) # mov eax, ecx eax = ecx # sar eax, 1Fh #puts("sar") #puts("%x" % eax.ord) eax = eax.ord >> 0x1F #puts("%x" % eax) # mov ebx, edx ebx = edx # sub ebx, eax ebx -= eax #puts("sub") #puts("%x" % ebx) # mov eax, ebx eax = ebx # mov [ebp+var_18], eax var_18 = eax # mov edx, [ebp+var_18] edx = var_18 # mov eax, edx eax = edx # add eax, eax eax = eax * 2 # add eax, edx eax = eax + edx #puts("") #puts("%x" % eax) # mov edx, ecx edx = ecx # sub edx, eax #puts() #puts("%x" % ecx.ord) #puts("%x" % edx.ord) edx = edx.ord - eax #puts("%x" % edx) # mov eax, edx eax = edx # mov [ebp+var_18], eax var_18 = eax #puts() #puts("%x" % var_18) # mov eax, dword_804B04C eax = mode # add [ebp+var_18], eax var_18 += eax #puts("%x" % eax) # mov edx, offset g_connection_id ; <-- edx = connection_id # mov eax, [ebp+var_18] eax = var_18 # add eax, edx # mov dword ptr [esp+8], 5 ; n # mov [esp+4], eax ; src # lea eax, [ebp+dest] # mov [esp], eax ; dest # call _strncpy dest = connection_id[var_18, 5] #puts(dest) # mov [ebp+var_1C], 0 var_1c = 0 # jmp short loc_8048F4A # loc_8048F2A: ; CODE XREF: do_password+A3j 0.upto(4) do |var_1c| # mov eax, [ebp+var_1C] eax = var_1c # add eax, [ebp+var_30] # XXX # lea edx, [ebp+dest] edx = dest # add edx, [ebp+var_1C] # movzx ecx, byte ptr [edx] ecx = edx[var_1c] # mov edx, [ebp+var_1C] edx = var_1c # add edx, [ebp+var_2C] # movzx edx, byte ptr [edx] edx = var_2c[var_1c] # xor edx, ecx edx = edx.ord ^ ecx.ord # mov [eax], dl edx &= 0x0FF #puts("before edx = %x" % edx) if(edx < 0x1f) #puts("a") edx += 0x20 elsif(edx > 0x7F) edx = edx - 0x7E + 0x20 end #puts("after edx = %x" % edx) var_30[var_1c] = (edx & 0x0FF).chr # add [ebp+var_1C], 1 # # loc_8048F4A: ; CODE XREF: do_password+7Dj # cmp [ebp+var_1C], 4 # jle short loc_8048F2A end #puts() return var_30 endAs you can see, it's quite long and difficult to follow. But, now that the bugs were fixed, it was outputting the same thing as the real version! I set it up to log in with the username 'grumpy' and the password 'grumpy' and it worked great!
Cleaning it up
I didn't actually clean up the code until after the competition, but here's the step-by-step cleanup that I did, just so I could blog about it.First, I removed all the comments:
def hash_password_phase2(password, connection_id, mode) eax = password var_2c = eax eax = "" var_30 = "" eax = 0 ecx = connection_id[7] edx = 0x55555556 eax = ecx edx = ((eax.ord * edx) >> 32) eax = ecx eax = eax.ord >> 0x1F ebx = edx ebx -= eax eax = ebx var_18 = eax edx = var_18 eax = edx eax = eax * 2 eax = eax + edx edx = ecx edx = edx.ord - eax eax = edx var_18 = eax eax = mode var_18 += eax edx = connection_id eax = var_18 dest = connection_id[var_18, 5] var_1c = 0 0.upto(4) do |var_1c| eax = var_1c edx = dest ecx = edx[var_1c] edx = var_1c edx = var_2c[var_1c] edx = edx.ord ^ ecx.ord edx &= 0x0FF if(edx < 0x1f) edx += 0x20 elsif(edx > 0x7F) edx = edx - 0x7E + 0x20 end var_30[var_1c] = (edx & 0x0FF).chr end return var_30 endThen I started eliminating redundant statements:
def hash_password_phase3(password, connection_id, mode) ecx = connection_id[7] eax = ecx edx = ((eax.ord * 0x55555556) >> 32) eax = ecx eax = eax.ord >> 0x1F eax = ((edx - (eax.ord >> 0x1F)) * 2) + edx edx = ecx edx = edx.ord - eax eax = edx var_18 = eax var_18 += mode edx = connection_id eax = var_18 dest = connection_id[var_18, 5] result = "" 0.upto(4) do |i| eax = i edx = dest ecx = edx[i] edx = password[i] edx = edx.ord ^ ecx.ord edx &= 0x0FF if(edx < 0x1f) edx += 0x20 elsif(edx > 0x7F) edx = edx - 0x7E + 0x20 end result << (edx & 0x0FF).chr end return result endRemoved some more redundancy:
def hash_password_phase4(password, connection_id, mode) char_7 = connection_id[7].ord edx = ((char_7 * 0x55555556) >> 32) eax = ((edx - (char_7 >> 0x1F >> 0x1F)) * 2) + edx result = "" 0.upto(4) do |i| edx = (password[i].ord ^ connection_id[char_7 - eax + mode + i].ord) & 0xFF if(edx < 0x1f) edx += 0x20 elsif(edx > 0x7F) edx = edx - 0x7E + 0x20 end result << (edx & 0x0FF).chr end return result endAnd a final cleanup pass where I eliminated the "bad paths" - things that I know can't possibly happen:
def hash_password_phase5(password, connection_id, mode) char_7 = connection_id[7].ord result = "" 0.upto(4) do |i| edx = password[i].ord ^ connection_id[i + char_7 - (((char_7 * 0x55555556) >> 32) * 3) + mode].ord if(edx < 0x1f) edx += 0x20 elsif(edx > 0x7F) edx = edx - 0x7E + 0x20 end result << edx.chr end return result endAnd that's the final product! Remember, at each step of the way I was testing and re-testing to make sure it worked for a few dozen test strings. That's important because it's really, really easy to miss stuff.
The rest of the level
Now, getting back to the level...As we saw above, after logging in, the real client sends "list users" then "print key". "print key" fails because the user doesn't have administrative rights, so presumably one of the users printed out on the "list users" page does.
I went through and manually entered each user into the program, with the same username as password (seemed like the thing to do, since grumpy's password was "grumpy") until I reached the user "duchess". When I tried "duchess", I got the prompt:
challenge: /\&[$ answer?When I was initially reversing the password hashing, I noticed that the hash_password() function was called a second time near the strings "challenge:" and "answer?"! The difference was that instead of passing the integer 1 as the mode, it passed 7. So I tried calling hash_password('/\&[$', connection_id, 7) and got the response, "<=}-^".
I sent that, and the key came back! Here's the full session:
connection ID: Tk8)k)e3a[vzN^ *** Welcome to the ACME data retrieval service *** what version is your client? version 3.11.54 hello...who is this? duchess enter user password /MJ#L hello duchess, what would you like to do? print key challenge: /\&[$ answer? <=}-^ the key is: The only easy day was yesterday. 44564I submitted the key with literally three minutes to go. I was never really sure if I was doing the right thing at each step of the way, but it worked!
An alternate solution
If I'd had the presence of mind to realize that the username would always be the password, there's another obvious solution to the problem that probably would have been a whole lot easier.The string "grumpy" (as both the username and the password) is only read in three different places in the binary. It would have been fairly trivial to:
- Find a place in the binary where there's some room (right on top of the old "grumpy" would be fine)
- Put the string "duchess" in this location (and the other potential usernames if you don't yet know which one has administrative access)
- Patch the three references to "grumpy" to point to the new string instead of the old one - unfortunately, using a new location instead of just overwriting the strings is necessary because "duchess" is longer than "grumpy" so there's no room
- Run the program and let it get the key itself
This wasn't the most exciting level I've ever done, but it was quick and gave me the opportunity to do some mildly interesting reverse engineering.The main idea was to show off my process - translate line by line, instrument it, debug till it works, then refactor and reduce and clean up the code!
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