Live Ddos View

Live DDoS Attack Map | Apakau

Live DDoS Attack Map

This map is the fruit of collaboration between Google Ideas and Arbor Networks in an effort to raise awareness about distributed denial of service attacks in the world everyday.

Exploring the Data

The Digital Attack Map displays global DDoS activity on any given day. Attacks are displayed as dotted lines, scaled to size, and placed according to the source and destination countries of the attack traffic when known. Some features include:

  • Use the histogram at the bottom of the map to explore historical data.
  • Select a country to view DDoS activity to or from that country.
  • Use the color option to view attacks by class, duration, or source/destination port.
  • Use the news section to find online reports of attack activity from a specified time.
  • View the gallery to explore some examples of days with notable DDoS attacks.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How To Hack Windows 8 Using Metasploit - java_signed_applet

First thing you need to do is open Metasploit by running "msfconsole" in your terminal.

After metasploit loads, type this command:

use multi/browser/java_signed_applet

Like the picture bellow:

Now You have to set you local port, in this exploit its called SRVPORT. The default port is 8080, you can set it to any port you want.
Just run the command bellow:

set SRVPORT [Port number]

Change [Port number to anything you like, I used 1337.

Now to change the path to the exploit, we can set the URIPATH to anything we want.
We can leave all the settings as it is, but it will look a little bit ugly, things like:

Changing them will make people accept it more easily, and it's more fun!

To change the URIPATH run the following command:


Like the picture bellow:

Now run the command "exploit"

The server will start on the port, and the path you set.

All you have to do now, is send the IP to someone to open. When they open it they'll see a screen like this:

If they ran it, a window will open, Check "I accept the risk and want to run this application" then click on "Run"

As soon as you run it, metasploit will start a meterpreter session to the target PC, and you'll have full access to the target PC!

Session Opened:

System info:

Hope you like it!
Here is the video tutorial, performing this attack!