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Live DDoS Attack Map | Apakau

Live DDoS Attack Map

This map is the fruit of collaboration between Google Ideas and Arbor Networks in an effort to raise awareness about distributed denial of service attacks in the world everyday.

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The Digital Attack Map displays global DDoS activity on any given day. Attacks are displayed as dotted lines, scaled to size, and placed according to the source and destination countries of the attack traffic when known. Some features include:

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Friday, January 30, 2015

TUTORAL - How To Hack Instagram, Facebook, Hotmail, Yahoo! and Apple/iCloud Accounts!

Apple Account/iCloud Hacking:
This requires being FB friends with the person you want to hack, or having their email and birthday used with their account.

1) First create a Yahoo! Mail Account.
2) Import your FB friends as contacts.
3) Search for them in contacts and copy their email address.
4) Go to and enter the email. After that click answer security questions and go onto the next page.
5) Search for their email on FB.
6) Go to their profile, about, overview and enter their birthday.
7) You will be greeted with their security questions. Get them right, and you're in. Unlike Facebook, answering their security questions and resetting their password will not result in a 24 hour lock. If they have iCloud installed, you will be able to browse everything on their device which is synced to iCloud. Unless they have two-factor verification (optional security feature).

If they have two-factor verification, simply follow this guide:

Or just keep guessing the code. There is only 9999 possible combinations :P

8) Optional. Go to then install the app, select all content, choose the person who you want to hack from the drop-down, and browse for a specific keyword and see if there are any matches. This helps in answering their SQ's.

Instagram Private Photo Hacking - $5

Hotmail Hacking (Credit: Spirits)
I recently discovered if you can trick a user into sending you two emails from the account you want to hack, you can hack their entire account. Here is how.

You need:

The email address you want to hack
Two emails received from that email
The receivers email address
The subjects of both emails received
The birthday of the user you want to hack
The first and last name of the user you want to hack.
The country the person you want to hack lives in.

Go to: and enter the email you want to hack.

Then enter their first name, last name, birthday and country.

Enter the subjects for both emails in the boxes, followed by entering the email address that received the emails.

Soon enough the email should be hacked! :P

Hacking Yahoo! Mail Accounts (Credit: Sedulous)

What is needed:
The name of the person who owns the account
Mobile phone number on the account
The date of birth on the account
A phone to call with
1) Go to and click "I can't access my account."
2) Then click on "I have a problem with my password."
3) Type in the Yahoo! Mail email address you want to hack.
4) Make sure the mobile number is correct by looking at the last two digits.
5) Click "Contact Customer Service."
6) Call Yahoo (800-730-2669), wait for an operator, enter the reference number, say that the email is linked to your Xbox account and you forgot the password because you haven't logged in for such a long time. They will ask you for the account name, birthday, and date of birth. If you get them right they will ask you for an email to send the new password to.

Hacking Snapchat Accounts
Essentially the same as the Apple account/iCloud method, just use their iCloud to access their Snapchat app.

Hacking Facebook accounts


2 TB external hard-drive
Ubuntu installed via Wubi

Using the emails obtained via Yahoo, select to send an email to your contacts. In the dialog of all the emails select all of them using Ctrl + A, turn them into a working userlist (paste into Notepad, format each email/line properly) and then go here:

And use Crunch via the cmd.exe (it is best to update it with your own cmd.exe)

The best commands are:

crunch 6 10 -f charset.lst lalpha > wordlist.txt
crunch 1 8 -f charset.lst numeric > numbers.txt
Then use those wordlists and the userlist against the accounts.

Wait for the entire numeric wordlist to complete, and stop the lalpha wordlist at a file size of around 500 GB. 

I also suggest downloading an English dictionary, name wordlist, species wordlist and using those as well.

To change the first character case per line from upper to lower, or the inverse, install WLM's DEB via Ubuntu installed via Wubi. You can also append numbers from 0-9999 to the end of each line in a wordlist.

Or... use the persons iCloud account and access their FB app.

Or... use ARP Spoofing.

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